Thursday, July 17

Superpowers YOU can tap into with awareness and practice...

Yes, we already have superpowers. They originate from our intrinsic connection with the Collective.

True Power, like everything in reality, unveils itself over time with focused intention. 

It is also wise to mention that superhuman ability emerges progressively, meaning that as you unlock the fundamentals, the more intricate operations become available.

So, let's start with the fundamentals:

The Collective. We are wirelessly connected. This reality exists because there is a universal reality beneath the superficiality of the individual experience. Think 802.11 n... The Collective is wireless... It communicates through WORDS, IDEAS, SYMBOLS, AND METAPHOR.

Meditate on that. With that understanding cemented, being psychic is less mysterious.

To listen in to other people's thoughts, simply silence your own thoughts then visualize tuning into the "frequency" of their mind...

That's it! And it's instant...

The first thoughts that come into your head (having mastered quieting one's own mind... ) will not register as your own. In the beginning, the INTERNAL NARRATIVE that represents that psychic connection will be in YOUR VOICE. That doesn't mean it's not their thoughts. Learn to distinguish between YOUR THOUGHTS AND THE THOUGHTS OF OTHERS...

I'll let you all give this a try first, then I will reveal more powers to tap into!

Have fun!