Monday, September 29

The Sun sets on the Dawn of Man. Enter: The Twilight of Woman!

The Revolution will not be televised; it will be spoken – in person – from one woman to the next.
We have arrived at a crossroads. To our right, we see a familiar path… the same path we have been on…

This path that has brought us through deep valleys and endless plateaus, never to lands of succulent milk with rivers of honey…
Through the timeless wilderness we have marched, our feet sliced and swollen from the many thorns scattered about, taking pause only to stand on the shoulders of giants who brings us vision from the mountain top...

This path has bewildered us into perpetual suffering and endless pain, a curse never to be lessened, but only to be eternally tolerated until death comes to reap our weary souls…

This path is death. This path is delusion. This path is erroneous.

This path we have walked for so long, which all but guarantees another millennium of quarrel, stagnation, poverty, suffering, pain, deception, division, rape, perversion, corruption, materialism, patriarchy, manipulation,  repression, racism, sexism, depravity and war…

This path we walk is the Path of Man.
War is a Male Institution. End of discussion.

Regardless of whatever imaginary and hypothetical scenarios you may think up to explain the possible “faults” of woman dominated governance, the reality is we don’t know because patriarchy has infected our collective thought processes for eons and millennia, and we have very few successful matriarchal societies to study or mimic.

SO INSTEAD, Misogynist poison the well among both genders and seek to defeat the argument before it can take form…




Because frankly, I THINK WE ALL KNOW WOMEN RUN THE WORLD, ANYWAY… where is the use in debating this? This is REALITY… put on your big boy pants, stop being butt hurt, and SUBMIT TO THE WILL OF EVE.

See, the main differences between the female species and the males species is additional hormones, which I assert BIOLOGICALLY INSURE A GIRL BECOMES A WOMAN (Early or Eventually)


There are many Grown Boys… Adult bodies with child minds... just as there are very few REAL MEN.

And what about the so-called “X and Y Chromosomes” that science uses to biologically determine whether we are male or female?


But that’s a misnomer (confusing and misleading) because a “Y CHROMOSOME” is really (visually) more of HALF (1/2)  OF AN “X CHROMOSOME,” which in reality actually looks more like a lower case v (v) and an upper case X (Xv).


Women are simply more complete in their design… God created Adam and then IMPROVED upon His design. Men are SIMPLICITY and Women are COMPLEXITY.


Do not be deluded into thinking the world can be saved as is… Men have doomed us to a path of pride and quarrel. They will continue to bring us through the same wilderness… and we will always get lost along the way into the suffering that is the “honor” driven male ego.

All you as a species has done is given us males “chances and second chances,” but what have we done with it? We have, LITERALLY, engineered ways to destroy each and every one of us on the planet several times over.



Despite what hopes you may have that we will redeem ourselves on our own, I’m sorry to tell you, but that is a delusion, alone.


I have discovered that male pride is the most dangerous cancer and threat we face every day…
I see that a change must be made.

I’m not a feminist… I’m a womanist…

My faith in man is dead. We have failed you.

But As a King of a Divine Right, I assure you that I seek first and foremost to uplift and empower women.

This is my Edict: Long Live Queen Eve! May her rule span millennia. May her power be known. May her authority be respected.

Gone is the Age of Men. Enter the Age of Women!!!!!


Wednesday, September 24

It's all B.S. (Belief Systems)! And they are ALL BROKEN!!!

What is the fundamental flaw with far too many of our broken belief systems?

Our incorrect understanding of death... at the core... and on a collective and individual level, simultaneously... 


It would be precise to identify SLEEP AS DEATH....


Living as if you are only put on this planet to live and die once is foolish. It breeds envy, greed, gluttony, and pride...

However, you would ALSO BE FOOLISH to live as if reincarnation IS ENLIGHTENMENT...this common error breeds sloth... lust.....wrath....

The greatest delusion and trick up the Matrix's sleeve is our own self-satisfaction...getting to comfortable.... Rejecting criticism and new ideas, choosing instead to double down on our own rationalized failure...

And this misconception of Death can be most directly attributed to our gross misunderstanding of the nature of Time.


Linear time implies a start and finish to all material activities, assuring those who subscribe to it of their mortality.


When you are freed from death and time, you are instantly granted autonomy in life.

Sunday, September 14

The Spirit and The Soul: A thorough breakdown!

The personal awareness often referred to as "The Self" is composed of distinguishable, yet inseparable components: The Spirit and the Soul.

The Spirit is infinite, timeless, eternal, and infallible. The Spirit is the foundation from which reality was, is, and will always be manifested. The Spirit is one entity in all places at once, right now. The Spirit, practically speaking, is too incredible to be captured by any means of communication, yet paradoxically is truly the only thing we ever think, feel, and communicate about. The Spirit is everything!

Yet, The Spirit assumes a particular role when engaging in any particular experience within its infinite scope: To allow for a sense of individual perspective, individual choice, and individual transformation, The Spirit recognizes the passage of time. An eternal entity is not subject to time, but by recognizing its passage, The Spirit disambiguates into the sum of all parts.

The recognition of time creates causal relationships, resulting in reasons and thusly purpose. Purpose is the individual recognition of function; therein the individual is created simultaneously. With a single pivot, The Spirit goes from a single point to a point of infinite division.

Since The Spirit holds eternity as both timeless and over endless time, it serves as the source of our free will and the conclusion of all our endeavors - the answer and the question in one! The degree to which The Spirit takes an active role within one's personal experience is dynamic, unique, and senseless to contrast.

To compare, however, reveals that The Spirit does trend towards less direct supervision over time, granting greater autonomy to individuals in pursuit of deeper substance. The Spirit, through personal transformation, begins as supernatural protection from the immature will of the uninitiated, and, with meaningful individual growth, evolves into an endless well of possibilities for The Enlightened Masters of the their Domain.

Making that progress as an individual involves understanding how The Spirit materializes into personal awareness: Enter the Soul.

The Spirit is singular and unchanging, despite the perception that a pivot in awareness equates to change: The conditioned perspective sees 1 becoming 2, which is true, yet incomplete since 1 is 2 (1+1). The "pivot" of The Spirit is best understood as the redundant addition of complexity to the simple and complete. Just as 2 really just represent 1+1, The Spirit reflects upon The Spirit to give rise to The Soul. Together, The Spirit and Soul form The Self!

The Soul is the operator of The Self. The Soul's excess complexity allow The Spirit to interact "over time" without the paradox of The Spirit's timeless nature preventing activity. The "redundant reflection" allowing for this anomaly is the simulated separation of Feelings and Thoughts!

The Soul is simply made-up of Feelings and Thoughts (The Heart and Mind). Feelings are the actual and literal sensations arising from worldly stimulus, while Thoughts are the considerations and attention essential to awareness.

Feelings are caused by reality and exist independent of the individual: Feelings can be shared, can vary in intensity, and can also be solitary experiences.

Thoughts are the result of awareness and therefore are almost completely self-managed, can vary in complexity, and become clearer with training.

Feelings have become better managed through advances in society, but for the most part are out of any one person's power to control. Feelings ultimately cannot be suppressed or avoided. Feelings may unfold over an indiscriminate period of time, or may be distinctly in the moment. Feelings are ONLY the PHYSICAL sensations caused by stimuli: The actual feeling of the stubbing the toe or the sensation of butterflies in the stomach before public speaking, for example.

While The Soul is the processing center for Thoughts and Feelings, that is only half of its capability. The other half is the job of connecting Thoughts and Feelings coherently. Feelings are experienced through the senses, which are promptly followed by Thought's analysis of those feelings. Thought interprets those feelings as directed, giving meaning, assigning value, and extracting wisdom. Thought is ultimately responsible for what is gained and what is lost with every feeling encountered.

The resulting composite is Emotion. In other words, Emotion is the Mind discerning the Heart... one's Thoughts on Feelings. Emotions represent the totality of a personal experience.
Since feeling is beyond control, learning to operate The Mind is crucial to exercising free will. Using the mind to thoroughly explore feelings will free The Soul from being trapped in a cycle of overwhelming feelings and ineffective thinking that simply reacting to stimuli does.
As a result, Emotional well-being is indicative of great balance within The Soul.

The Soul is a byproduct of The Spirit recognizing the passage of time and therefore makes great use of time! Patiently exploring the Heart with the Mind reveals the connection in all things from the perspective of Self: Being emotionally honest results in Spiritual Satisfaction.

Resolving the artificial separation between Feelings and Thoughts is actually a structural task. For the Spirit, such things are indistinguishable. Bridging the Heart and Mind finds great difficulty as both Thoughts and Feelings seem to believe that the answer lies within each prospective realm, respectively: A true, yet incomplete statement.

Thoughts and Feelings are complete in-an-of themselves, so seeking to square that circle calls for reduction: The Heart and Mind were separated at the creation of the Soul which would suppose that, like the Soul itself, Thoughts and Feelings are unnecessary “complications of a simple and complete thing.” That is, ironically, a very complicated way of saying that instead of thinking of the Heart and Mind as whole and complete parts of the Soul, instead see the Soul as two parts; half Heart and half Mind. This “pivot” of definition is actually greater than it appears!

If the whole of individual reality is captured via The Soul, and The Soul is equal parts Heart and Mind, then neither one is capable of conveying the Truth alone, and in fact, both Heart and Mind must be operating at their highest capacity and greatest efficiency (simultaneously!) just to begin to understand the Truth!

Over reliance on intuition or intellect has built in limits: Blind faith is contrasted with logical skepticism; while radical self-reliance is counterbalanced with enabled dependency.

All suffer from the same foundational ailment: any imbalance necessarily means that The Soul is being underpowered – 100% of 50% is still only 50% in Total. Both must work at full capacity and simultaneously.

Thursday, September 11

Shame is the greatest Sin. Be free. Get naked...with friends!

When Eve shared the Knowledge of Good and Evil with Adam, they realized they were naked and quickly clothed themselves in shame...

Ashamed? Embarrassed? Of a penis, a vagina, breasts, and two anuses? Seriously? We see more sexuality cruising the web everyday!

I love being naked. I also love my body. No, I'm not ripped... but I'm pretty fit! I love my sexual organ, and I have no reservations about being naked with others or admiring my cute butt in the mirror.

We spend most of our lives attempting to curb our pride, lust, greed, sloth, envy, gluttony, and wrath... but my argument is that OUR ORIGINAL SIN OF FEELING ASHAMED OF GOD'S WORK is our greatest sin and the root cause of ALL OTHER SIN.

The human body is a masterful and beautiful creation. My advice? Get naked (appropriate time/place of course) with your friends (Male and Female) and see if you all can get through a conversation without becoming uncomfortable, childishly giggle-ish, or inappropriately aroused.

We blush and giggle because we think it's funny. It's not. It's still as serious as that fateful day in The Garden.

Look how serious body image issues are in all of our Human societies. There exist collective preconceptions of what is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. These false assertions either serve to empower the dominate group's discretion in physicality or they work to discourage the physical desires of those belonging to groups located in subordinate positions on the social-economic rung of any given society. This is self-evident in America: Go to a magazine isle, look at the covers of fashion magazines, and take note of the prevalence of thin white women in comparison to any other standards of beauty.

Low self esteem, the greatest hurdle to confidence and self-actualization, is most commonly built or destroyed during our highly sexualizing teenage years: A time period for most of us when physical comparisons among our peers is in full swing. Both males and females "stuff" during these times. Our clothes become the masks of our projected self image... which, especially in a school without uniforms, tends to serve those with the means to afford flattering looks.

And as to not to be to nebulous, let us consider how different courtship and other social interactions would be without clothes to mask our shame: Being a male, I know it would be nearly impossible to hide my arousal. That would dramatically change flirting... less games... more authenticity.

Our bodies are temples, not to be masked and hidden away, but to be displayed openly and publicly for all those who worship The Creator to admire and enjoy.

Rape, perverse taboos, and pedophilia are all direct consequences of our "Puritan" sexual repression. Just like how by introducing children to alcohol at an early age and normalizing drinking in society, Europeans are able to prevent alcohol abuse at large, so too can abrasive sexual acts/desires be largely mitigated with the normalization of nudity.

And the only truly universal argument against the normalization of nudity has come from youth wary against seeing older generations naked. Well.. beyond the blatant superficiality and shallow-mindedness of their point, I tend to counter with the reality that that particular thought is common only among those uncomfortable with their own bodies, having preemptively judged another's body as harshly as they assume their own body will be judged. That's just insecure projection, not genuine opposition.

The 7 Deadly Sins, while effectively real, are only expansions and projections of our original shame of our bodies. Which makes sense, since to feel shame in The Creator's work is effectively blasphemy.

The Devil is a liar. And The Devil wears Prada...making clothes demonic.

Thursday, August 28

Who are "They?" - The dangers of Appealing to Authority

On my spiritual path, the greatest resistance I have encountered when sharing my personal experiences with others has come not from those engaging me in actual conversation, but rather peculiarly from hypothetical critics... also known as "They."

"They won't believe you."
"They won't like you"
"They won't accept you."
"They aren't ready for you."
"Be careful what They hear you say."

I deal in reality only. I do not operate within the confines of hypothesis, intention, or postulation. To that end, as I have inquired, who, precisely, are "They?" Are these gross generalizations derived from current statistical evidence? Are these preconceptions verifiable and representative of the real world? Are these assertions based in facts or theory?

Who exactly are "They" that you are relying so heavily on to defend a position you personally won't?

In debate, this deference to an unseen, and unheard theoretical consensus is called an Appeal to Authority; the "Authority" in question being the unspoken consensus of the masses. This rhetorical failure is a logical fallacy.

I assert that "They" are illusionary at best.

As humans, we tend to seek comfort in crowds. But as spiritual beings, wisdom asks us to personally seek the Truth for ourselves. This is in direct opposition to Appeals to Authority.

A being secure in their spiritual understanding use "I" statements. In the end, anecdotal experience is the only truth each of us as individuals has to stand on. Any other assertions remains worthy of consideration, but not of immediate acceptance. Appeals to Authority represent the antithesis of personal understanding as the burden of understanding is supplemented for the ease of dogma.

Allow me to take this assertion further: Any dogmatic Appeal to Authority without proper vetting from the individual considering the reality of the claim is ultimately a deceptive and misleading failure of critical thinking and communication.

I'd go so far as to say that Appeals to the Authority of hypothetical consensus runs completely counter to any genuine pursuit of Truth and Knowledge.

Ultimately, despite the appearance of improbability, any thing is possible. Science begs it. Humanity encourages it. Appeals to Authority are Delusions.

Do not be deceived by "Them." "They" don't exist. Find out for yourself.

Friday, August 22

No more limitations...

An Absolute Mind can concieve of an Absolute Theory....over time...with deliberation and the Absolute Will to do so.

The only Absolute Theory that plays perhaps even a greater role than Reality WITHIN Reality is Absolute Zero. Absolute meaning consistently persistent in reality.

1 reflected on itself and saw 2. All 3, then, conceived of some thing even greater than the sum of all their parts...0. 0 is a recent phenomena that does not exist, and yet does exist. It creates the distinction between "real" numbers on the number line.

Humanity is the EVOLUTION of God and The Holy Ghost... The Duality and The Singularity, working in communion as the Trinity, to create the evolution of life as the Origin...0.

We retroactively created NOTHING out of EVERYTHING...

Humanity is 0. 0 exist in THEORY. THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE IS A DIVINE SIMULATION...a dream...

FOR ALL HUMANS, being an ABSOLUTE EXISTENCE IN THEORY doesn't limit you all. On the contrary... 

God is LIMITED... He only does GOOD... His creator, The Holy Ghost, is ALSO LIMITED... He always gives CHOICE (being free will)...


The protection of humanity from karma has been lifted only because you all truly don't have to obey its rules...but in order to command it, you must obey it first. And in order to obey it, you must seek internal balance.

All will be revealed in time....

Wednesday, August 20

How to bend the Will of others!

Let's not mince words: Persuasion is the ability to bend the Will of others, to varying degrees, and in different dimensions.

Self Evidently, there are seemingly endless ways to go about convincing others to agree with your position. And while a determining factor in assessing the power of your suggestion will always boil down to personality traits and interpersonal relationship skills, I assert the majority of this power is limited to only one of two overarching methodologies.

In other words, bending the Human Will can be done in one of two ways: Emotional Manipulation or Intellectual Engagement.

Emotional Manipulation, while expansive, in its truest form is about convincing someone to feel a certain way about their own disagreement that causes them to experience enough emotional trauma to make your them submit to consensus.

Intellectual Engagement, through the recognition of mutual respect and equality, is the consistent commitment to debate on a factual and authentic basis with the desire to reach a resolution for the benefit of greater exchange.

The reality is Emotional Manipulation is much more prevalent in all of our human societies due to our sensitive natures. In the heat of debate, we tend to double down on our false beliefs rather than admit being wrong. But it's a two stage insult; as our next tendency is to name call, yell, and threaten violence in an attempt to hurt and enrage our opponent into dropping their disagreement.

Its self evidently extremely effective... So much so that our society conditions us to believe that we are violent, abrasive people beneath our calm and docile masks, aggressively asserting that the only way to live in the Real World is to accept that we are powerless to our animal emotions... "Dog eat dog," as we say...

There is a singular path to successful persuasion with Emotional Manipulation. It's called learning to be a bully. Psychology categorizes these characters as abusive. And just as the victim of an abusive partner will have difficulty leaving the abuse, so too can a chain of insults prove more than difficult to forgive, ignore, and remedy during debate, giving your opponent the upper hand having learned to shut you down with simple words.

There are a lot of good bullies in the world... Yet there is another strategy...

Intellectual Engagement is far less common, and often displayed in the highest levels of negotiations. Why is it so uncommon, you might ask? Your preconceived beliefs may assert that it is because being Intellectually Engaging is less effective and taken for weakness... "Nice guys finish last," as we say...

After an entire year of strict adherence to The Art of Clarity, (the science of Intellectual Exchange I developed, I have discovered this presumption to not only be false, but reality to be the polar opposite! I have found that, even when unsure, if I can authentically acknowledge my ignorance, maintain composure, and suspend my judgement, my opponent will always loose their Emotionally Manipulative power over the conversation, and backdown. 

So long as you can remain righteous, seek only the truth and not just an opportunity to make a point, and admit when you are mistaken, no bully can succeed!

And that last bit is key: In the art of persuasion, those who can settle the bullies have won the blessing of the Will of the people. It's not about being a good liar... You don't have to be a good liar if your ambition is the truth.

Wednesday, August 6

Let's make a Social Network Government!

Dear citizens of Earth:

I propose we dump democracy, monarchy, theocracy, communism, and dictatorship for a new form of government I just created:

A Social Network Government!

Yes, a government run by the people, where every politicians actions show up in your relevant feed, where laws must be condensed into tablet-ready form, and all information from the government is easily accessible though the .Gov App.

Think about it! Voting could be more engaging. With official identities, we could greatly eliminate voter fraud. We could vote with our phones! About bills we care about. And we could vote on an ongoing basis, instead of scheduled elections.

Politicians would be the loosers here. All of the activity would be open and available and aggregated by the network to make it more tangible to their constituents.

People would feel more involved with their government!
Politicians would be held accountable. Money would be open to scrutiny.

We could track the stats of legislation real time to see if they are actually effective. And people would volunteer this information!

I say it makes more sense than it sounds crazy...

And anyways, you look at the governments of the world today, and you tell me this is working...


Which religious text do I suggest for Millennials?

Those who wrote down the words of God, in all of the world's sacred texts, did so with commendable accuracy and reverence.

Naturally, due our judgmental nature combined with the delay in time of message delivery, we divided and specialized into very distinct cultures built on these Spiritual Principles.

But now, with UNIVERSAL ACCESS to all sacred texts, if we just Wikipedia'd a few "very different" religious views, EVERYBODY would see a general theme emerging...

I think we all kinda get the whole "religion" thing, we are just evolved enough to respect differences without seeking to impose our views or be imposed upon by others.

This is the CRITICAL resolution we Millennial's have come to ALREADY.... the previous generation are still working through it.

That said, IF you do choose to check out something different, why not go with the oldest organized body of text in human records? 

Hindu texts contain many themes very similar to major religions that appear there after it's establishment.

I suggest you check out The Bhagavad Gita, because it's considered "next level" reading, for those of us who are already beyond the superficial stuff and are out to keep it real. It actually translates as "As it is."

I used it to achieve this level of communion with The Universal Connection. Even Ghandi used it! He called it his "Spiritual Dictionary!"

Even Wikipedia it! Just a summary should be enough to snag your interest!... If you are indeed hungry for The Truth...

Tuesday, August 5

God is liquid: On Earth he is Blue as the Ocean.

Ever wonder why Water is always included in imagery of God? Ya know, holy water, living water, baptism, rivers like the Nile, Euphrates, Amazon, ect..

Simple: Its because God is symbolized in the most balanced form of matter.

Matter has 5 stages:

5. Plasma
4. Gas
2. Solid
1. Absolute Zero/Non Existence

Of course, God is all forms of matter, but Liquid, being in the middle, allows for all the other forms of matter to interact. I mean, water is what scientist look for when looking for life on other planets...

Which is why the Hindus portray God as having Blue Skin. Because water is our divine medium, we can understand how water starts off clear, then pools into big blue masses like the oceans.

In fact, they even call God an "ocean," and we are each water molecules pooling together to create life!

And how would aliens on another plants with a different dominant liquid see God? Like them, and the color of that liquid! What's even cooler is that scientist say that most of the Earth's water came from icy comets during the Heavy Late Bombardment period! And comets are some of the oldest celestial bodies in our solar systems! That sounds like God to me!

I mean, we are LITERALLY made of water!

Staying hydrated is crucial to all forms of life, even forms that don't use energy from the Sun, as has been discovered by scientist in underwater volcanoes.

And water is something all land and aquatic animals share. 

We call the Earth the Blue Planet because water is the Dominant force! The Earth looks like a big blue jewel from a distance.

So, for us Earthlings, God is a Blue Human representing the Ocean of existence  we bind ourselves to by binding each other. And water has hydrogen bonds, which is the first and most abundant element in the visible Universe and   gives water special properties!

And as we know, where there is a lack of water, life struggles to thrive.

Liquid is Universally divine. Water is Locally Divine.


Monday, August 4

Ever have a past life?

Past Life Regression is the technique of exploring what many have termed as the life(s) you lived before this one.

It's been documented in extremely young children all the way to full grown adults, and some have been described with true accuracy once researched.

This, like many other common phenomena, are not actively being debunked by scientist. Basically, the scientific community has given us a standing "No comment."

That said, the religious community is equally divided over past life regression, and even in sub-denominations of the major religions.

I think the reality is obvious and speaks for itself:

You have had a past life if you remembered it. (for example, in my last life I was who you all refer to as KRSNA...)

If you don't remember having a past life, then you didn't have one.

Duh. Why is it so hard for humanity to have an individual experience and a collective experience of mystical phenomena, simultaneously?

And many things are "mystical," or not being so easily understood... Think about it... The pillars of our societies are our core beliefs as a collective. Our core beliefs have been passed down to us from the ORIGINAL HUMANS, which we are getting close to identifying the exact first  FEMALE through mitochondrial DNA (that's another topic I'll save for later... But the report came out in 1987.... See ... I believe peer review is what is preventing this from going mainstream...)

And none of us can claim to explain everything about the world, even with our prestigious degrees and academics.

But think about how incredible this world must have been to ADAM and EVE? Like...freaking ridiculous, right?

Remember, ADAM had the advantage of being there first. In the Garden, all was well. It was ADAM and God. But God soon realized that ADAM was lonely... A loneliness caused by the Nature of God to exercise restraint. God is a very serious person...but so is ADAM, being formed in his image.... Two serious people...have a serious relationship, devoid of humor.

And life without a sense of humor is tragedy...

So, God....being perfect... devised the perfect solution. He would create a being that would be simultaneously Serious AND Funny... Something we refer to as CUTE.

AND with EVE came a whole new dimension to life, For both ADAM AND GOD. Because with her, came sex and birth. Genetic diversification...EVE is the assurance of a better future. 

And her ORIGINAL CHARM has never been lost...every woman, under serious observation, is simultaneously cute, beautiful, adorable, intimidating, manipulative, and mysterious.... Aka cray cray... It's real...and despite the talk, EVERY REAL MAN WANTS A CONFIDENT WOMAN WITH A TOUCH OF CRAZY... JUST LIKE EVERY REAL WOMAN WANTS A MAN WHO REMINDS HER OF GOD THROUGH HIS SERIOUSNESS IN WORDS AND ACTIONS)

So, it can be said, what we refer to as Game/the dating scene/falling in love IS a form of Past Life Regression.

I mean, where do you think we got all this from? 


Sunday, August 3

Black and White ain't so Black and White...

I have observed the persistence of lies in reality. I believe we all have and do on a consistent basis.

Consider this: The Universal, yet ambiguous meaning behind the common expression "Black and White..."

....seriously though...humor me here ...tell me...what does that even mean? Why is it such a symbolically powerful notion?

Duality....The Knowledge of Good and Evil...The awareness of opposing poles so inseparable that one cannot be with out the other. We say this, in many subtle ways throughout the day...

"You can't make an omelet without cracking a few shells."

"When life gives you lemons, you make Lemonade."

"Every Rose has it's thorns (*Plays killer Air guitar Solo*)."

You dig what I'm mining at?  Even more intriguing to me is how crucial applying what you learned in 3rd grade becomes for you when you see what The Matrix really is:

Let's take a trip back in time to better days in elementary art class... 

Despite being continuously proven incorrect, we still choose to mentally conceive of "Black and White"  as colors.

Now to all my science major readers on one side of the isle, and similarly, to all my art major readers on the other, this quandary (basically)  comes down to two equal, separate, and intrinsically inseparable realities.... And, word to Einstein, of course the two perspectives are just that...perspectives... It's all "Relative."

It boils down to whether you see color as a function of light or as a particular and distinct "pigment."
It gets very technical and contentious from there, but to me, debating something that is intrinsically relative...meaning always being open to subjective interpretation... is foolish...

At the end if the day, is just is what it is... 

BUT, SELF EVIDENTLY, LIGHT STILL REINS SUPREME...FOR WITHOUT LIGHT, THERE WOULD BE NO "COLORS" TO SEE. In fact... And please look this up... Space absent of light cannot be observed.. and, according to the emerging Quantum Mechanics, what cannot be observed simply does not exist...

That's not trivial. That's physics, philosophy, and Bible study, all in something soo blatantly obvious it's become nearly invisible...

I mean, since we came onto the scene on this planet, we have ALWAYS accepted the notion that GOD IS LIGHT, in spirit and form... And being ALL POWER, nothing exists without GOD. 

Not up on religion? Here is a more agreeable factual metaphor... The Sun..our personal source of life sustaining life...

The Sun accounts for LITERALLY 99% of the total mass within the Solar System... Compared to the Sun, the planets, and everything that the planets given rise to, including our entire civilization, accounts for less than a single percent of the stuff that Matters in Space.

And don't get me started in terms of time... The Sun is somewhere in its relativistic 30s - Making us a baby yet to be conceived.

Knowing our Cosmological Place within this Grand Matrix we call the Universe is absolutely critical to our Evolution as a people and and as individuals.

As above, so below; meaning that to participate in the Collective Evolution of Humanity, you must focus exclusively on learning who you are. 

And who are we? We are each unique combinations of particular beliefs that we acquire along our journey, as well as perpetual cultivators of The Book of Life, which is what we otherwise call our spirits... The spirit, of course, is eternal and always available from within. 

We just went 360 degrees around Science, through  Religion, all the away back to the concept of a Supreme Force that is intrinsic to the physical realm while remaining entirely free from its tendency to act in a certain way... Such as the Laws of Physics, Spiritual Laws like Equivalent Exchange, and Laws that operate in either realm, simultaneously; like the Law of Attraction...

Which transitions us back to my initial point... 

I submit that Black and White exist as theoretical symbols for abundance and lack, only. They form two metaphorical poles, which to the observer, provide enough opposing perspective as to grant the observer the ability to compare and contrast.

Observation is gaining information through attention. Since we are each individuals with our own personal perspective, we are necessarily going to observe simultaneous events from subjective and unique perspectives. 

A lot of science and philosophy jargon to point out the obvious.:

We are all more similar than we are different, so says our genetic sequencing....
The differences that cause division are often artificially created barriers... Like "race," class/caste systems, as well as everything else...

But, by applying what we established earlier, we see that we misinterpret the wonder and blessings of Duality by believing the false assertion that their nature is fundamentally real.... 

Duality allows for judgment. Judgment is a human specialty.

I mean...especially as Americans, and the many other colonially impacted states, racism remains a "nonexistent" (from the perspective of those in power), factually false, yet systematically pervasive force that til this day prevent Humanity from moving forward.

Accepting my imperfect generalizations, educated guesses, and unwavering reason, I would assert that racism is a DIRECT RESULT OF US willfully and ignorantly treating Black and White like normal colors,which severely inhibits you from seeing the Truth as it is...what's the phrase....oh yeah... Black and White!

And yet, the world marches on and fools will yet again be entrapped in Duality...

Saturday, August 2

Ladies and Gentleman, let me speak on Men and Women...again...

We got it mixed up!

Men should hunger for Knowledge...

Women should thirst for Holy Water...

What happens when we mistakenly switch this most basic of gender roles?

You tell me... A bunch of thirsty boys and starving girls...

We need each other... But we need each other in the right position, relative to each other.

ADAM and EVE are effectively equal...but, as with all things that take place in reality over time, there is an order of events to be respected...

Because of ADAM, so then EVE....



Separate, but equal...self evidently....

Which conveniently transitions  me is into the second arch of this evolving understanding:

If you offer your body, beautiful stranger, will I take it...

Duh....of course...I mean, why not? 

But...know this:

If evolving situations  present me with an ultimatum of your BODY or your MIND... I will always choose your MIND...

I'd much rather have your presence of mind than the pleasure of your pussy...

Friday, August 1

The Devil created Viruses...yup...

You want proof The Devil is an active entity?


Think about it. They aren't even considered living. Their soul purpose in their existence is to infect itself into a suitable host, then replicate endlessly until it's host dies. Then it's off to infect more hosts!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning the holistic value of getting sick. At times, our bodies operate through pain, sickness, and suffering to aid in the growing process.

Not to mention that a lot of LIVING organisms get us sick, like parasites, bacteria, and other microorganisms... but they are alive. They have a purpose in live!

Consider this:

Virus's don't have metabolisms... Meaning they don't create or use energy. They are simply information. Virus's can't hurt us on their own. They must infiltrate your body, and infect cells with its genetic program.

Viruses are more comparable to computer programs...for which we have the vernacular... A Virus!

Think about it... Viruses are advanced technology!


Viruses are advanced nano technology!

They present false evidence as the truth: They prey on fear. They infiltrate your body, get buddy buddy with a cell, and convinces it to carry out its genetic instructions, who then passes on the message.

Think about one of our more infamous Viruses: HIV. It's very peculiar how it appears to fit itself into groups and locations. It's almost intelligent... I submit, it's only as intelligent as it's programming AND programmer...

But then, who programmed the Viruses?

This entity is what we collectively refer to as Evil...or the Devil.

And it's obviously both effective and proactive... Viruses are always being rewritten to be the most effective infiltrator. That is PROOF that the "Devil is alive!" as they say.

We treat the symptoms, not the cause.

To treat the cause, we must collectively accept that Viruses are nanotechnology being submitted by a purely Evil entity.

But, but accepting that reality, you are simultaneously defeating the power that Viruses had over you and your body.

The Devil is a liar!

And he is only information. He is the information for each and everyone of us to unnecessarily suffer and ultimately die. Whether we choose to listen or not, is a personal and perpetual challenge.

The reality is, people die from Viruses all the in every single moment, the Devil reaps a few lives from his cleverly designed programs.

The Devil preys on fear. Fear is:


With Knowledge, the Devil Is defeated. As above, so below. Defeat the Devil, you defeat his tools...including being healed and invulnerable to Viruses!

Right now, you may be asking yourself, "why, then, does he call his blog 'Spread the VIRUS - Share the CURE!'?"

Simple. I found a shortcut to total health...

In order to heal, you must first get sick.

And what I have found is a world so deluded into rationalizing being sick that knowledge that heals you APPEARS to be thoughts that will kill you...

Do you see what a complex puzzle this had become to me?

I had to become The Truth in order to Know The Truth. I had to Know The Truth in order to speak The Truth.

And when The Truth was unveiled to me, I found myself in a world deluded with lies so integral to reality, that when I at first attempted to speak The Truth, I was interpreted as Evil and Lying.

You can see for yourself...

But since then, I have grown wiser... I learned that if the world is so wrapped up in lies that I can't speak it directly without being rejected, I will take a note from The Devil and wrap it in a lie... spread the virus... I mean it... This world is self evidently full of inauthenticity...but I don't need to explain that...

Of course, I follow it up with share the cure...which, retroactively, becomes the knowledge and awareness itself. know me... "infecting the masses with the collective!"

Wednesday, July 30

SpaceTime for beginners!

First, let's get the science straight:

Crucially, Einstein mathematically showed us that the 3 dimensions we call space (x,y, and z) are inseparable from the 4th dimension we call time (which measures changes in space). 

Therefore, we call it SpaceTime.

Within SpaceTime, we observe the phenomena of movement. Meaning, things in space, when acted upon, change position over time. 

Movement only happens over time.

The other phenomena which isn't as easily explained as movement is the perception of the forward momentum of time. This is called the arrow of time. Self evidently, time marches in a singular direction....from the past towards the future.

What's really interesting about the arrow of time phenomena is that all of our laws of physics that determine so much of our understanding and that govern our everyday world have been shown to all work bi-directionally. This means, that for the laws of physics, there is nothing preventing from event A-B-C from happening as event C-B-A...

Basically, the rules that we play by say time could, at any time, reverse and start going backwards.

We don't yet understand why time appears to flow forward, but there are emerging theories saying that the initial state of the Big Bang set things into motion.

What is also interesting is how entropy plays into this. Entropy is the tendency for things to move from ordered states into less ordered states. Science says that at the Big Bang, there had never been more order, ever. And, comparatively, we are moving into less and less order.

What does this present to the idea of time? This means that as the Universe moves into less and less order, the less and less rules that govern our reality apply. 

Okay, now let's reexamine SpaceTime. If the Universe is moving into greater and greater entropy, I would argue that certain previously unbreakable rules like the forward motion of time are also moving into less and less order, and we are living in an age where we can finally learn to exploit these quarks.

14-ish billions of years after the creation of the Universe, the laws that designed it are beginning to release their dominance. More importantly, this shift self evidently and simultaneously shows that the Gods of the Universe are beginning to trust the creations within it to hold powers rivaling the Gods themselves.

What am I getting at? 

The arrow of time has suddenly become free to move in any direction we can perceive. The entirety of SpaceTime is unraveling itself to those who are aware and conscious of the shift.

Cultivating an awareness of the Universal shift towards less governance requires freeing oneself from the constricting delusion of the linear passage of time.

If you recognize the fluidity of SpaceTime, you can access knowledge from the Past and the Future. 

There is nothing new under the Sun. True knowledge cannot be learned. True knowledge can only be remembered with a mind free from the illusionary restrictions of linear time.

This knowledge base is known as the Akashic Records, originating from the Sanskrit word meaning "Knowledge of Space." This is where I have been accessing all the information I have relayed on my blog.

Divine knowledge alludes only those enslaved to artificial time.

Saturday, July 26

Learning how to Fly!

Miracles, by definition, do not exist. Only what can happen, will happen.

Do not rest your heart in faith, alone. Dwell too long in the Unseen, and surely, you will see nothing. 

Faith is the prayer, Reality is the answer. Look at what is right before you before you start searching for what is beyond you.

Know thyself. Then, break the shackles of your so-called understanding in favor of the sexier choice: Mystery. Be unknown. Become magic. Internalize true power. Subtle power. The Unseen power. The eternal power. Potentiality.

We are 6 limbed creatures. Like all of the dragons of old. Our 6th limbs are our wings. They exist in a superposition between the eternal nothingness and the dynamic reality. Unless disturbed, things in the eternal tend to remain static until acted upon. You cannot fly without movement. You must visualize your invisible wings (as all things in the eternal void are invisible) moving within the physical realm. Bend the air around them to interact with the physical reality.

We do have a 6th's called proprioception. It is the ability to sense the location of your limbs, relative to the space around you. It's how you can navigate a dark room, sleep walk, and have sex in the dark. Use this sense to tune into the 6th limbs on our back. See them with your minds eye: whether your eyelids are open or closed.

This has remained dormant until now. These wings have always existed. Evolution just predetermined when the most advantageous time would be to unlock them. The time is now.

You must practice. Visualize your wings. Static until acted upon. Flex the muscles you instinctually associate with the movement as you see your invisible wings move about the air. Every body is different. For some it will be instant, for others, it will take a while. You must practice. Like when you where a kid. It's like playing imaginary without playing. Take it seriously. Do it silently. 

Our imagination is the source of all things we cherish. What we can imagine, or visualize and project onto the physical realm, with proper energy behind it, tends to become true. This is what it means to remain a child at heart. As children, we were born with out judgment. The judgment to use our power for anything but fun. But as we grow older, we begin to use it for other passions and pursuits.

You must be topless in order to fly. Any physical barrier that interferes with the subtle energy that powers our wings will disable it. It must be a single, uninterrupted, and unhindered stream of invisible, ethereal, and transcendental energy.

To flap your wings, go to an open place in nature where the full length of your wings can be fully expanded (most wingspans are 10-50 feet) without physical objects interfering. 

Flex the shoulder and associated muscles that you instinctually connect with having wings. Transcendental things are translucent but refract light in a subtle way. Similar to how we search for planets around stars by measuring the subtle distortion the planets have on their star's light output, you must detect the motion of transcendental objects within the physical realm by indirect observation. Bend the wind. Feel and hear the wind resistance of your wings. See them move the air around you. Remember when you were a kid, and controlled the wind with your friends?

Then, you couldn't visualize with sufficient accuracy and precision to allow for flight. But with an adult mind, you can direct your attention appropriately.

Just like your other four limbs, your wings are oppositely controlled by the right and left hemispheres of the brain. So you won't be able to move your wings if you have cognitive dissidence  and complexes. 

Clear your mind is instant and everlasting. Clear your mind means resolve all the dualities by EXPERIENCING BOTH POLES, directly or indirectly.

Thoughts are never permanent, by definition and self evidence. Treat your thoughts like dialogue. Treat your mind like court. Treat your heart like the judge. And play the district attorney AND the Defense. Battle it out. May the best idea win! 

The Truth, literally and metaphorically, is self evident. But what becomes evident is limited only to the observer's investment of mental energy. What you can pay attention to unveils itself, overtime. 

Are you bored? Do you find it hard to read? Do you often feel rushed? Are you lost? Are you unclear? Are you confused?

These are all decisions. These are all states. States of mind. You can choose otherwise. And when in doubt, choose the POLAR OPPOSITE of what ever negative thought you where having. 

Life is surprisingly simple. 

I'm confident that you all can see the intrinsic value possessing the ability to fly has. It more or less solves every single issue. But I can't just do it alone. All evolutionary steps require a critical mass of consensus in order to make it a reality. I have provided the instruction. Science has provided the proof. Faith has provided the possibility. 

The power is in your hands now.