Thursday, July 3

On drugs and Enlightenment... if you are wondering what drugs have to do with it all:

But before I do, let me emphasize that DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS. I prefer to live drug free and healthy, but I write this to bring clarity to those who are trapped in the cycle of drug abuse due to thier denile of the true experience.

On that note:

Smoke: Cleanses
Caffeine: Stimulates Mind/Body/Spirit
Alcohol: Unlocks Fear 
Cocaine: Unlocks Pride
Acid: Expands Mental/Imaginative Capacity
Mushrooms: Grant you the Vision of Death 
Weed: Raises your Vibration
Weed Smoke: Cleanses AND Raises your Vibration
Extasy: Crystallizes Love
Meth: Crystallizes your Mindset at Large
Adderol: Crystallizes your Focus at Large
Opium/Pain Killers/Heroine: Expands Capacity for The Divine/Eases Growing Pains 
Kratom: Instills Peaceful Focus
Salvia: Allows for Sensory Expansion

None are NECESSARY, but can make Enlightenment "feel" easier.

Drugs, as many of you know, is a DOUBLE EDGED be careful...and EVERY DRUG ultimately comes FROM NATURE..

Many non-illicit/legal drugs do similar operations... 5-HTP, Vitamins, ect... before, our diet's provided this naturally.. but as we expanded, we simplified our diets... its always about diversity...of colors and flavors...plant life especially...since no recreational drug has been isolated from any animal yet..."well-balanced diet."

Vitamin D... The Sun's own drug... is augmented in varying ways due to Melanin...

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