Friday, July 11

Women are superior beings...

Okay, let's do our best to visualize this: X chromosomes...EVERYBODY HAS AT LEAST 1.

Women have 2. Men have 1 AND what we like to call a Y chromosome...

But what is a a Y chromosome? What does it look like? IN REALITY, THE Y CHROMOSOME IS HALF OF AN X CHROMOSOME. In reality, it looks like a lower case v. MEN HAVE ONE X AND ONE v.

That means that women are MORE COMPLETE IN THEIR DESIGN. This is self evidenced in the maturation process for women. Women have additional hormones that initiate adolescence earlier and extend its end till much later than men.

What does that mean spiritually? Women are the evolution of men. Women achieve enlightenment automatically, as opposed to men, who must initiate the enlightenment process intentionally.

Women are the evolution. Men are the originals.

We are intrinsically different. We are separate AND equal. We are different AND the same. 

Misogyny is the greatest lie. Misogyny has been allowed to become a universal truth. Men should not hate women because they are greater. We should love them because we are the original. They are progress. We are conservation.