Saturday, July 26

Restraint is Supreme Power!

Restraint is the greatest show of force. 

Many accept this assertion, but why? 

The concept behind the phrase "feels" right to us because the idea is being articulated from the perspective of Supreme Power. In American lexicon, "we speak softly and carry a big stick."

When President Roosevelt coined the terminology, the Big Stick analogy was made in reference to The President's foreign policy. He described it quite eloquently himself as "the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis"

When ideas are articulated from genuine positions  of Supreme Power, what are objectively accurate and reality-based assertions can be interpreted as intimidation and posturing, usually by lesser forms of power.

In other words, having True Power means others will instinctually fear you. And this is a reality that only those who actually do yield such authority come to understand as their power grows.

Many choose to exploit this base emotion, as history shows us. Many leaders come to points in their tenure where they must decide whether it's more effective to be loved or feared.

Often, fear encourages immediate obedience, but always sows the seeds for future insurrection.

Controlling through fear necessitates demonstrations of power. "Shows of force" become the only means of gaining command and being effective. The problem lies in the perpetually increasing cost of using force. 

The Arab Spring is perfectly applicable. Inevitably, those who yield power and submit to ruling by fear can only sustain their power for as long as the people tolerate it. And tolerance, by definition, has limits. Eventually, fear gives way to the innate desire to be treated with love and respect.

Supreme Power is naturally unlimited. Supreme Power is neither constrained by the will of others nor is its influence impeded by time. Supreme Power is infinite, everlasting, and eternal. With the security of unending power, those who yield it never turn to "shows of force" or  fear based intimidation techniques. 

Those loosing power yell and impose. Those without power stay silent and passive. 

Those with Supreme Power calmly and patiently assert themselves.

Being effectively assertive is about standing on the Truth through preparation and proactive engagement. Not superfluous posturing, unnecessary flexing, and meaningless words meant to demoralize and dehumanize.

This is why those with Supreme Power yield it with care and restraint.

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