Wednesday, August 6

Let's make a Social Network Government!

Dear citizens of Earth:

I propose we dump democracy, monarchy, theocracy, communism, and dictatorship for a new form of government I just created:

A Social Network Government!

Yes, a government run by the people, where every politicians actions show up in your relevant feed, where laws must be condensed into tablet-ready form, and all information from the government is easily accessible though the .Gov App.

Think about it! Voting could be more engaging. With official identities, we could greatly eliminate voter fraud. We could vote with our phones! About bills we care about. And we could vote on an ongoing basis, instead of scheduled elections.

Politicians would be the loosers here. All of the activity would be open and available and aggregated by the network to make it more tangible to their constituents.

People would feel more involved with their government!
Politicians would be held accountable. Money would be open to scrutiny.

We could track the stats of legislation real time to see if they are actually effective. And people would volunteer this information!

I say it makes more sense than it sounds crazy...

And anyways, you look at the governments of the world today, and you tell me this is working...


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