Think about it. They aren't even considered living. Their soul purpose in their existence is to infect itself into a suitable host, then replicate endlessly until it's host dies. Then it's off to infect more hosts!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning the holistic value of getting sick. At times, our bodies operate through pain, sickness, and suffering to aid in the growing process.
Not to mention that a lot of LIVING organisms get us sick, like parasites, bacteria, and other microorganisms... but they are alive. They have a purpose in live!
Consider this:
Virus's don't have metabolisms... Meaning they don't create or use energy. They are simply information. Virus's can't hurt us on their own. They must infiltrate your body, and infect cells with its genetic program.
Viruses are more comparable to computer programs...for which we have the vernacular... A Virus!
Think about it... Viruses are advanced technology!
Viruses are advanced nano technology!
They present false evidence as the truth: They prey on fear. They infiltrate your body, get buddy buddy with a cell, and convinces it to carry out its genetic instructions, who then passes on the message.
Think about one of our more infamous Viruses: HIV. It's very peculiar how it appears to fit itself into groups and locations. It's almost intelligent... I submit, it's only as intelligent as it's programming AND programmer...
But then, who programmed the Viruses?
This entity is what we collectively refer to as Evil...or the Devil.
And it's obviously both effective and proactive... Viruses are always being rewritten to be the most effective infiltrator. That is PROOF that the "Devil is alive!" as they say.
We treat the symptoms, not the cause.
To treat the cause, we must collectively accept that Viruses are nanotechnology being submitted by a purely Evil entity.
But, but accepting that reality, you are simultaneously defeating the power that Viruses had over you and your body.
The Devil is a liar!
And he is only information. He is the information for each and everyone of us to unnecessarily suffer and ultimately die. Whether we choose to listen or not, is a personal and perpetual challenge.
The reality is, people die from Viruses all the in every single moment, the Devil reaps a few lives from his cleverly designed programs.
The Devil preys on fear. Fear is:
With Knowledge, the Devil Is defeated. As above, so below. Defeat the Devil, you defeat his tools...including being healed and invulnerable to Viruses!
Right now, you may be asking yourself, "why, then, does he call his blog 'Spread the VIRUS - Share the CURE!'?"
Simple. I found a shortcut to total health...
In order to heal, you must first get sick.
And what I have found is a world so deluded into rationalizing being sick that knowledge that heals you APPEARS to be thoughts that will kill you...
Do you see what a complex puzzle this had become to me?
I had to become The Truth in order to Know The Truth. I had to Know The Truth in order to speak The Truth.

You can see for yourself...
But since then, I have grown wiser... I learned that if the world is so wrapped up in lies that I can't speak it directly without being rejected, I will take a note from The Devil and wrap it in a lie... spread the virus... I mean it... This world is self evidently full of inauthenticity...but I don't need to explain that...
Of course, I follow it up with share the cure...which, retroactively, becomes the knowledge and awareness itself. know me... "infecting the masses with the collective!"