Ashamed? Embarrassed? Of a penis, a vagina, breasts, and two anuses? Seriously? We see more sexuality cruising the web everyday!

We spend most of our lives attempting to curb our pride, lust, greed, sloth, envy, gluttony, and wrath... but my argument is that OUR ORIGINAL SIN OF FEELING ASHAMED OF GOD'S WORK is our greatest sin and the root cause of ALL OTHER SIN.
The human body is a masterful and beautiful creation. My advice? Get naked (appropriate time/place of course) with your friends (Male and Female) and see if you all can get through a conversation without becoming uncomfortable, childishly giggle-ish, or inappropriately aroused.
We blush and giggle because we think it's funny. It's not. It's still as serious as that fateful day in The Garden.
Look how serious body image issues are in all of our Human societies. There exist collective preconceptions of what is beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. These false assertions either serve to empower the dominate group's discretion in physicality or they work to discourage the physical desires of those belonging to groups located in subordinate positions on the social-economic rung of any given society. This is self-evident in America: Go to a magazine isle, look at the covers of fashion magazines, and take note of the prevalence of thin white women in comparison to any other standards of beauty.
Low self esteem, the greatest hurdle to confidence and self-actualization, is most commonly built or destroyed during our highly sexualizing teenage years: A time period for most of us when physical comparisons among our peers is in full swing. Both males and females "stuff" during these times. Our clothes become the masks of our projected self image... which, especially in a school without uniforms, tends to serve those with the means to afford flattering looks.
And as to not to be to nebulous, let us consider how different courtship and other social interactions would be without clothes to mask our shame: Being a male, I know it would be nearly impossible to hide my arousal. That would dramatically change flirting... less games... more authenticity.
Our bodies are temples, not to be masked and hidden away, but to be displayed openly and publicly for all those who worship The Creator to admire and enjoy.
Rape, perverse taboos, and pedophilia are all direct consequences of our "Puritan" sexual repression. Just like how by introducing children to alcohol at an early age and normalizing drinking in society, Europeans are able to prevent alcohol abuse at large, so too can abrasive sexual acts/desires be largely mitigated with the normalization of nudity.
And the only truly universal argument against the normalization of nudity has come from youth wary against seeing older generations naked. Well.. beyond the blatant superficiality and shallow-mindedness of their point, I tend to counter with the reality that that particular thought is common only among those uncomfortable with their own bodies, having preemptively judged another's body as harshly as they assume their own body will be judged. That's just insecure projection, not genuine opposition.
The 7 Deadly Sins, while effectively real, are only expansions and projections of our original shame of our bodies. Which makes sense, since to feel shame in The Creator's work is effectively blasphemy.
The Devil is a liar. And The Devil wears Prada...making clothes demonic.