Monday, August 4

Ever have a past life?

Past Life Regression is the technique of exploring what many have termed as the life(s) you lived before this one.

It's been documented in extremely young children all the way to full grown adults, and some have been described with true accuracy once researched.

This, like many other common phenomena, are not actively being debunked by scientist. Basically, the scientific community has given us a standing "No comment."

That said, the religious community is equally divided over past life regression, and even in sub-denominations of the major religions.

I think the reality is obvious and speaks for itself:

You have had a past life if you remembered it. (for example, in my last life I was who you all refer to as KRSNA...)

If you don't remember having a past life, then you didn't have one.

Duh. Why is it so hard for humanity to have an individual experience and a collective experience of mystical phenomena, simultaneously?

And many things are "mystical," or not being so easily understood... Think about it... The pillars of our societies are our core beliefs as a collective. Our core beliefs have been passed down to us from the ORIGINAL HUMANS, which we are getting close to identifying the exact first  FEMALE through mitochondrial DNA (that's another topic I'll save for later... But the report came out in 1987.... See ... I believe peer review is what is preventing this from going mainstream...)

And none of us can claim to explain everything about the world, even with our prestigious degrees and academics.

But think about how incredible this world must have been to ADAM and EVE? Like...freaking ridiculous, right?

Remember, ADAM had the advantage of being there first. In the Garden, all was well. It was ADAM and God. But God soon realized that ADAM was lonely... A loneliness caused by the Nature of God to exercise restraint. God is a very serious person...but so is ADAM, being formed in his image.... Two serious people...have a serious relationship, devoid of humor.

And life without a sense of humor is tragedy...

So, God....being perfect... devised the perfect solution. He would create a being that would be simultaneously Serious AND Funny... Something we refer to as CUTE.

AND with EVE came a whole new dimension to life, For both ADAM AND GOD. Because with her, came sex and birth. Genetic diversification...EVE is the assurance of a better future. 

And her ORIGINAL CHARM has never been lost...every woman, under serious observation, is simultaneously cute, beautiful, adorable, intimidating, manipulative, and mysterious.... Aka cray cray... It's real...and despite the talk, EVERY REAL MAN WANTS A CONFIDENT WOMAN WITH A TOUCH OF CRAZY... JUST LIKE EVERY REAL WOMAN WANTS A MAN WHO REMINDS HER OF GOD THROUGH HIS SERIOUSNESS IN WORDS AND ACTIONS)

So, it can be said, what we refer to as Game/the dating scene/falling in love IS a form of Past Life Regression.

I mean, where do you think we got all this from? 


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