Wednesday, August 6

Which religious text do I suggest for Millennials?

Those who wrote down the words of God, in all of the world's sacred texts, did so with commendable accuracy and reverence.

Naturally, due our judgmental nature combined with the delay in time of message delivery, we divided and specialized into very distinct cultures built on these Spiritual Principles.

But now, with UNIVERSAL ACCESS to all sacred texts, if we just Wikipedia'd a few "very different" religious views, EVERYBODY would see a general theme emerging...

I think we all kinda get the whole "religion" thing, we are just evolved enough to respect differences without seeking to impose our views or be imposed upon by others.

This is the CRITICAL resolution we Millennial's have come to ALREADY.... the previous generation are still working through it.

That said, IF you do choose to check out something different, why not go with the oldest organized body of text in human records? 

Hindu texts contain many themes very similar to major religions that appear there after it's establishment.

I suggest you check out The Bhagavad Gita, because it's considered "next level" reading, for those of us who are already beyond the superficial stuff and are out to keep it real. It actually translates as "As it is."

I used it to achieve this level of communion with The Universal Connection. Even Ghandi used it! He called it his "Spiritual Dictionary!"

Even Wikipedia it! Just a summary should be enough to snag your interest!... If you are indeed hungry for The Truth...

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