"I have attained Enlightenment and my only desire is to share what I have learned!"
Thursday, August 28
Who are "They?" - The dangers of Appealing to Authority
"They won't believe you."
"They won't like you"
"They won't accept you."
"They aren't ready for you."
"Be careful what They hear you say."
I deal in reality only. I do not operate within the confines of hypothesis, intention, or postulation. To that end, as I have inquired, who, precisely, are "They?" Are these gross generalizations derived from current statistical evidence? Are these preconceptions verifiable and representative of the real world? Are these assertions based in facts or theory?
Who exactly are "They" that you are relying so heavily on to defend a position you personally won't?
In debate, this deference to an unseen, and unheard theoretical consensus is called an Appeal to Authority; the "Authority" in question being the unspoken consensus of the masses. This rhetorical failure is a logical fallacy.
I assert that "They" are illusionary at best.
As humans, we tend to seek comfort in crowds. But as spiritual beings, wisdom asks us to personally seek the Truth for ourselves. This is in direct opposition to Appeals to Authority.
A being secure in their spiritual understanding use "I" statements. In the end, anecdotal experience is the only truth each of us as individuals has to stand on. Any other assertions remains worthy of consideration, but not of immediate acceptance. Appeals to Authority represent the antithesis of personal understanding as the burden of understanding is supplemented for the ease of dogma.
Allow me to take this assertion further: Any dogmatic Appeal to Authority without proper vetting from the individual considering the reality of the claim is ultimately a deceptive and misleading failure of critical thinking and communication.
I'd go so far as to say that Appeals to the Authority of hypothetical consensus runs completely counter to any genuine pursuit of Truth and Knowledge.
Ultimately, despite the appearance of improbability, any thing is possible. Science begs it. Humanity encourages it. Appeals to Authority are Delusions.
Do not be deceived by "Them." "They" don't exist. Find out for yourself.
Friday, August 22
No more limitations...

Wednesday, August 20
How to bend the Will of others!
Wednesday, August 6
Let's make a Social Network Government!
Which religious text do I suggest for Millennials?
Those who wrote down the words of God, in all of the world's sacred texts, did so with commendable accuracy and reverence.
Naturally, due our judgmental nature combined with the delay in time of message delivery, we divided and specialized into very distinct cultures built on these Spiritual Principles.
But now, with UNIVERSAL ACCESS to all sacred texts, if we just Wikipedia'd a few "very different" religious views, EVERYBODY would see a general theme emerging...
I think we all kinda get the whole "religion" thing, we are just evolved enough to respect differences without seeking to impose our views or be imposed upon by others.
This is the CRITICAL resolution we Millennial's have come to ALREADY.... the previous generation are still working through it.
That said, IF you do choose to check out something different, why not go with the oldest organized body of text in human records?
Hindu texts contain many themes very similar to major religions that appear there after it's establishment.
I suggest you check out The Bhagavad Gita, because it's considered "next level" reading, for those of us who are already beyond the superficial stuff and are out to keep it real. It actually translates as "As it is."
I used it to achieve this level of communion with The Universal Connection. Even Ghandi used it! He called it his "Spiritual Dictionary!"
Even Wikipedia it! Just a summary should be enough to snag your interest!... If you are indeed hungry for The Truth...
Tuesday, August 5
God is liquid: On Earth he is Blue as the Ocean.
Monday, August 4
Ever have a past life?
Past Life Regression is the technique of exploring what many have termed as the life(s) you lived before this one.
It's been documented in extremely young children all the way to full grown adults, and some have been described with true accuracy once researched.
This, like many other common phenomena, are not actively being debunked by scientist. Basically, the scientific community has given us a standing "No comment."
That said, the religious community is equally divided over past life regression, and even in sub-denominations of the major religions.
I think the reality is obvious and speaks for itself:
You have had a past life if you remembered it. (for example, in my last life I was who you all refer to as KRSNA...)
If you don't remember having a past life, then you didn't have one.
Duh. Why is it so hard for humanity to have an individual experience and a collective experience of mystical phenomena, simultaneously?
And many things are "mystical," or not being so easily understood... Think about it... The pillars of our societies are our core beliefs as a collective. Our core beliefs have been passed down to us from the ORIGINAL HUMANS, which we are getting close to identifying the exact first FEMALE through mitochondrial DNA (that's another topic I'll save for later... But the report came out in 1987.... See http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/evolution/female-ancestor.htm ... I believe peer review is what is preventing this from going mainstream...)
And none of us can claim to explain everything about the world, even with our prestigious degrees and academics.
But think about how incredible this world must have been to ADAM and EVE? Like...freaking ridiculous, right?
Remember, ADAM had the advantage of being there first. In the Garden, all was well. It was ADAM and God. But God soon realized that ADAM was lonely... A loneliness caused by the Nature of God to exercise restraint. God is a very serious person...but so is ADAM, being formed in his image.... Two serious people...have a serious relationship, devoid of humor.
And life without a sense of humor is tragedy...
So, God....being perfect... devised the perfect solution. He would create a being that would be simultaneously Serious AND Funny... Something we refer to as CUTE.
AND with EVE came a whole new dimension to life, For both ADAM AND GOD. Because with her, came sex and birth. Genetic diversification...EVE is the assurance of a better future.
And her ORIGINAL CHARM has never been lost...every woman, under serious observation, is simultaneously cute, beautiful, adorable, intimidating, manipulative, and mysterious.... Aka cray cray... It's real...and despite the talk, EVERY REAL MAN WANTS A CONFIDENT WOMAN WITH A TOUCH OF CRAZY... JUST LIKE EVERY REAL WOMAN WANTS A MAN WHO REMINDS HER OF GOD THROUGH HIS SERIOUSNESS IN WORDS AND ACTIONS)
So, it can be said, what we refer to as Game/the dating scene/falling in love IS a form of Past Life Regression.
I mean, where do you think we got all this from?
Sunday, August 3
Black and White ain't so Black and White...
As above, so below; meaning that to participate in the Collective Evolution of Humanity, you must focus exclusively on learning who you are.
Saturday, August 2
Ladies and Gentleman, let me speak on Men and Women...again...
Friday, August 1
The Devil created Viruses...yup...
Think about it. They aren't even considered living. Their soul purpose in their existence is to infect itself into a suitable host, then replicate endlessly until it's host dies. Then it's off to infect more hosts!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not questioning the holistic value of getting sick. At times, our bodies operate through pain, sickness, and suffering to aid in the growing process.
Not to mention that a lot of LIVING organisms get us sick, like parasites, bacteria, and other microorganisms... but they are alive. They have a purpose in life...to live!
Consider this:
Virus's don't have metabolisms... Meaning they don't create or use energy. They are simply information. Virus's can't hurt us on their own. They must infiltrate your body, and infect cells with its genetic program.
Viruses are more comparable to computer programs...for which we have the vernacular... A Virus!
Think about it... Viruses are advanced technology!
Viruses are advanced nano technology!
They present false evidence as the truth: They prey on fear. They infiltrate your body, get buddy buddy with a cell, and convinces it to carry out its genetic instructions, who then passes on the message.
Think about one of our more infamous Viruses: HIV. It's very peculiar how it appears to fit itself into groups and locations. It's almost intelligent... I submit, it's only as intelligent as it's programming AND programmer...
But then, who programmed the Viruses?
This entity is what we collectively refer to as Evil...or the Devil.
And it's obviously both effective and proactive... Viruses are always being rewritten to be the most effective infiltrator. That is PROOF that the "Devil is alive!" as they say.
We treat the symptoms, not the cause.
To treat the cause, we must collectively accept that Viruses are nanotechnology being submitted by a purely Evil entity.
But, but accepting that reality, you are simultaneously defeating the power that Viruses had over you and your body.
The Devil is a liar!
And he is only information. He is the information for each and everyone of us to unnecessarily suffer and ultimately die. Whether we choose to listen or not, is a personal and perpetual challenge.
The reality is, people die from Viruses all the time...as in every single moment, the Devil reaps a few lives from his cleverly designed programs.
The Devil preys on fear. Fear is:
With Knowledge, the Devil Is defeated. As above, so below. Defeat the Devil, you defeat his tools...including being healed and invulnerable to Viruses!
Right now, you may be asking yourself, "why, then, does he call his blog 'Spread the VIRUS - Share the CURE!'?"
Simple. I found a shortcut to total health...
In order to heal, you must first get sick.
And what I have found is a world so deluded into rationalizing being sick that knowledge that heals you APPEARS to be thoughts that will kill you...
Do you see what a complex puzzle this had become to me?
I had to become The Truth in order to Know The Truth. I had to Know The Truth in order to speak The Truth.

You can see for yourself...
But since then, I have grown wiser... I learned that if the world is so wrapped up in lies that I can't speak it directly without being rejected, I will take a note from The Devil and wrap it in a lie...
So...by spread the virus... I mean it... This world is self evidently full of inauthenticity...but I don't need to explain that...
Of course, I follow it up with share the cure...which, retroactively, becomes the knowledge and awareness itself.
Lol...yeah...you know me... "infecting the masses with the collective!"