Monday, July 21

I'm a Capricorn...what's your sign?

I propose a Grand Human Experiment!

Humans tend to divide ourselves into groups. These divisions have, more or less, been the cause of all of our current day problems.


These divisions serve a purpose, but ultimately cause more harm than they contribute to society's progress.

Those on the Left will advocate open exchange... Ultimately, they believe there should be no division.

Those on the Right will advocate personal liberty... Ultimately, they believe the only divisions that should exist should be personal decisions.

Well, I have a solution:

First, let's rule out divisions based on accumulative activity, since it's impossible to guarantee a normalized standard for opportunity. That includes wealth, religion, career, education, connections, ect.

Economic inequality and the ever present influence of money in politics prevents this from ever becoming a true reality. 

That makes the idea of "Equal Opportunity" A THEORY, ALONE.


With accumulative activity being ruled out, what we are left with is what we are each individually born with... Beauty, Heritage, and Gender.

Well, Beauty already has a significant influence in our societies, and yet the world remains divided. Slowly, as mating for love and attraction begins to overtake the old ways of marrying for necessity ( which kept blood lines/heritage homogenized), beauty is working to dismantle the barriers of hate.

Some of the most beautiful people in the world today are hybrid, beauty IS working....just not fast enough...for my

Continuing on, our next choice is Heritage....I'm not going to spend to long on this. 

Tribalism and racism are direct results of this system of division. From my perspective, as a Native American/African American,  I recognize how necessary dividing ourselves by Heritage was in the Past, but I have a hard time  seeing its significant role continuing as we move into the Future.

Finally, Gender. Not orientation...orientation is a layer of complexity that can take away from the significance of our physically sexualizing identities.

And, we already divide along those lines... And results vary. 

My solution? 

Well, how about dividing along another birthright that is well understood but often dismissed as unimportant:

Our Zodiac! In other words, we should divide ourselves based on the distinct influence the location of the Earth relative to the surrounding stars has on our personalities.

No body perfectly lines up with individual signs, but rising and falling signs usually do a good job of explaining the unique mix of personality that is you in particular.

If we are going to divide ourselves, I propose we group our personality types together. 

There is a hidden gem here, too! People need to see how they treat others by being treated like that by another. 

Think about a convention room full of Scorpios...flirt-city? Idk...

What about Capricorns? Personally, being one, I'd expect a bunch of new businesses founded...

Basically, how would a room full of people with your personality type fair? I have talked with people of a particular sign that openly admitted that they couldn't get along with people of their own sign... What does that say about them? If they can't deal with themselves, why should anybody else have to deal with them?...

And what's awesome about this is that people of all backgrounds would be grouped together. Men, women, children, all heritages, all orientations, all cultures, all political affiliations, all religions...ect.

But they would all have a unifying birthright! A great humanizer and conversation piece...

So, in conclusion, go hang out with people of your sign! You will learn a lot about yourself in the process, and probably fair better with people of different signs, having learned similar personality's strategies for dealing with others.

Good idea? I think so...


There are A LOT of People on Earth. (Bodies/Egos)

There are VERY FEW actual souls on Earth. (Old Souls)

There is ONLY ONE Spirit on Earth. ( "God"/Isis/Earth)

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