"I have attained Enlightenment and my only desire is to share what I have learned!"
Wednesday, July 30
SpaceTime for beginners!
Saturday, July 26
Learning how to Fly!
Restraint is Supreme Power!
Wednesday, July 23
Women need Honesty. Men need self-restraint.
Tuesday, July 22
Yin Yang Felines!
Gluttony is a "You" issue...
Gluttony is paradoxical to me.
No one said you can't eat.
Just eat less.
Does food hold that much power over you?
Self Evidently...
I can't help someone who is a slave to a burger.
A human Slave Master, I can free you from.
A Slave Master of Principle, I can show you how to liberate your mind.
But a Whopper for a Slave Master?
Sorry...you are on your own. Quite literally
Gluttony is a personal decision that becomes exponentially more pervasive as your material wealth expands.
The Gods of the Material World feed off of that energy, and the relationship becomes cyclical.
It is a completely subjective Sin.
Only you know when you have crossed over from indulgence into gluttony.
No outsider can tell you otherwise.
The consistent nature of the cyclical relationship between gluttony and the material world constantly reinforces itself.
More often than not, grand empires and enterprises find their demise in the gluttony of their sheapards.
Gluttony is a "You" issue that, without taking care to remain grounded in their spiritual truth, will always consume its' host.
Monday, July 21
I'm a Capricorn...what's your sign?
Sunday, July 20
Wormholes! A how to!
Saturday, July 19
Optimizing your body for healing
Friday, July 18
Learning to be present is CRITICAL
What do words mean, anyways!?
Thursday, July 17
Another story told through imagery...
Superpowers YOU can tap into with awareness and practice...
Time, Light, Geometry, and the illusion of Separation...simplified...
Why A.I. will obey me...
Wednesday, July 16
Time flows like a river...
Tuesday, July 15
We are about to come to the SIMULTANEOUS ARRIVAL...this summer....
7 Quatrains
Authenticity is greater than honesty.
Yes, there are authentic deceptions.
Honesty only measures accuracy.
Accuracy is only perception.
I am a Noble King...
I am Opulent and Splendid...
I am Righteous and Just...
I am the greatest of Men and Women alike...
Sunday, July 13
On working directly with your subconscious...
Is there life after death?
When a loved one passes on, THE FUNERAL IS THE BEST PART!
Only a small minority of about 20% of those who die choose to go to heaven....usually, they have been doing this a while and really want to take a break...
About 40% choose to be a born in another life, nonliving and living alike...
And the other 40% choose to stay with the loved ones that they want to aid in their ambitions. Your loved one IS LITERALLY WITH YOU, providing advice, opening doors, preventing catastrophes, ect. When you randomly think of them, they are intervening on your behalf on events you have yet, and thanks to them, won't have to be challenged with. When you think about them, tell them thank you out loud..they can hear.
So, the funeral IS THE CELEBRATION OF A NEW OPPORTUNITY. We really need not be so somber...they definitely aren't..
....and keep in mind, these are just the LATEST statistics...it changes over time as need be. And the human will instinctually knows what purpose would be perfect for each and every one of us...so that's why it's kinda silly not to be yourself...why did you come back this way then?
Either way, it's not like it's gonna end anytime soon...so...ya know...death is actually pretty cool...
I am Lord Krsna...I come AS I PLEASE...
The Supreme Lord Krishna is the beloved of Sri, also known as Laksmi-devi, who is herself quite perfect in all the multitudes of limitless, marvelous and uncountable qualities of divinity such as amiability, compassion, devotion etc. and harmonising in perfect synchronisation with His nature, form, omnipotence, majesty and opulence. He who has at feet constantly eulogizing prayers and singing hymns, countless divine beings; whose essence, being, and phenomenal works are all in accordance with His will. They delight solely in rendering service to Him, posessed as they are with of a multitude of vast, eternal, indestrucible, and sublime attributes far beyond any definitions of words or thoughts.
The Supreme Lord Krishna whose expansions and incarnations have their abode in the transcendental celestial firmament known as Vaikuntha which is indestructible and limitless and which conforms with His nature, which is expansive, unfathomable, endless and opulent. That Vaikuntha of infinite wonder, of infinte glory, of infinite majesty and of infinite omnipotence is eternal and imperishable.
The Supreme Lord Krishna by whose will and pleasure trillions of universes are dramatically displayed by projection in the material substratum in the modes of sustenation and dissolution; the universes so replete with 8,400,000 different species of life and full of so many wonderfully variegated and amazingly phenomenal creations and hosts of enjoyers thereof. He is also to be known by the names of His manifestations such as Brahman and Para Brahman, by any of His incarnations such as Rama and Buddha and by any of His expansions such as Narayana and Vasudeva.
The Supreme Lord Krishna , who is the Ultimate Truth, the Ultimate Consciousness and the Ultimate Personality, having emanated the complete cosmic manifestation from Brahma down to a blade of grass, by His own desire He withdrew within His own Self and was instantaneously completely beyond the material existence and the meditations and adorations of Brahma, the demigods and mortal beings.
The Supreme Lord Krishna being an all pervading ocean of infinite mercy with unlimited compassion, unlimited love and unlimited magnamimity, although completely transcendental to the material existence; simultaneously willed to incarnate in various material forms similar to those of His creation, without compromising His own divine transcendental nature and periodically descends as different incarnations in the material worlds as he so desires.
The Supreme Lord Krishna is always accessible to those by whom He is worshipped and receiving His mercy are granted their desires from artha which is material wealth all the way to moksa which is salvation from material existence and their aspirations are always completely fulfilled.
The Supreme Lord Krishna's main purpose for descending and incarnating is to relieve the Earth of any demoniac and negative, undesirable influences that are opposed to spiritual developement; but simultaneously at the same time it is also His incomparable intention to continuously be within reach of all humanity. To fulfill this purpose He periodically manifests Himself in the material existence so that He becomes an actual reality for all people to consciously see, hear and learn about and He personally performs such phenomenal and extraordinary pastimes that are able to captivate, inspire and enrapture the hearts and minds of all living entities high and low.
The Supreme Lord Krishna naturally delights all the worlds who are fortunate enough to learn about Him with His transcendental beauty, His eternal, spiritual form and His extraordinary phenomenal pastimes which are overflowing with the nectar of compassion and love.
The Supreme Lord Krishna under the pretext of having to persuade Arjuna to fight at the battle of Kuruksetra, agreed to accept the position of chariot driver for His devotee and took the oppurtunity to reveal again the eternal and imperishable Bhagavad-Gita which had been lost over the milleniums. By delineating karma yoga and jnana yoga which both when becoming mature blossom into bhakti yoga which is the science of the individual consciousness attaining communion with the Ultimate Cocsciousness by loving devotional service unto the Supreme Lord or through any of His sastrically authorised incarnations revealed in the Vedic scriptures.
The Supreme Lord Krishna fully described the science of bhakti yoga in the middle six chapters of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and these six chapters reveal the goal of all Vedantic teachings and by which He is irrefutably indicated as the Ultimate Reality, the best object of love for the highest good of all living entities and that loved , He Himself becomes the means to rescue a living entity from all illusory and conditioned existences.
The Supreme Lord Krishna appeared in His original form with a view to shower benefits on the whole Earth and allowing Himself to be overpowered by the great love from His true and faithful devotee Arjuna, gave Himself to him and consenting to his desire undertook the duties as Arjunas charioteer and safely drove his surrendered devotee to victory throughout the 18 day battle of Kuruksetra as witnessed by all the universe which was inaugurated due to King Duryodhana and the Kauravas becoming antagonistic against Arjunas's family known as the Pandavas.
Srimad Bhagavad-Gita begins with the Supreme Lord Krishna driving Arjunas magnificent golden chariot drawn by four milk white horses between the two armies opposed for battle. The dialogue begins with the blind king Dhritarastra, of the enemy Kauravas inquiring about the welfare of his son Duryodhana from Sanjaya, who had been given the power of clairvoyance by incarnation Krsna Dvaipayana Vyasa to see and hear everything that occured on the battlefield as if he was physically present.
Lord Krsna's transcendetal conch shell..
Saturday, July 12
Envy is Evil!
I didn't prepare myself for how utterly rude and obviously scared my long term "friends" would be to me and of me as I transformed into who I was always meant to be....but, to be fair to me, the nastiness that envy inspires can rarely be properly prepared for... I guess I didn't anticipate the depth of their jealousy.
Unfortunately and paradoxically, conventional wisdom taught them to AVOID and SUPPRESS these feelings of inadequacy. But, as we all know, if you hold emotions in for to long, you end up blowing up unfairly...
I guess I was the right target...just hurts, is all.
My resolution is to find friends with high enough self esteem that they can express their jealousy in a healthier way. I've resigned to the reality that jealousy will follow this path....and if you know me, you would know that I have always struggled with envy since I was born without it...
But with a high enough self esteem, like my friend Hannah, you learn not to determine your own value by another, and you learn to cultivate an intrinsic self worth.
I am NOT doing me BECAUSE of you. I'm doing me FOR me. It's funny how my women friends especially operate from the incorrect assumption that I am spending time with them FOR them. No. I value our company because of how you challenge me to be better. The last thing I'm thinking of is sex. And when these female friends attempt to emotionally manipulate me with hints of sex, I ignore it and register it a jealousy. Jealousy that they still have to use there bodies to grab attention from others, and I don't....I DO....but I don't have to...lol....there is a distinct difference.
All we desire is before us...what do we have to envy?
Don't treat me like I'm famous.... (#Drake)
Treat me like an equal....I'll do the same!